My Nursing Cover Letter Planning

时间:2020-11-14 18:36:35 cover-letter 我要投稿

My Nursing Cover Letter Planning

When I first started to send my resume to hospitals and doctor’s offices, I didn’t give it a second thought that I needed a nursing resume cover letter. Boy, was I wrong. My friends were shocked that I didn’t send in a cover letter with my resume. I was wondering why I wasn’t getting any interviews and they urged me to write a job cover letter to impress the bosses.

When you first start to sit down and write the nursing cover letter it can really seem like a huge mountain to climb. After all, you have to write about the reasons why they should hire you over the numerous other job seekers.

So I started to think of all of the past jobs and positions I held in the health care field and in other areas too. I tried to think of all of the remarkable things I did at my past job and write it in a way that will have the employer begging to hire me — but the words just weren’t coming to me. So eventually I decided to just write down the actual job duties that I remembered.

Now, believe me when I say that there are more efficient ways to plan a nursing job cover letter, but this was great for kick starting my ideas.

At first it was very hard but when I started to focus and use a guide I soon started to write important information that any boss would like to know. Important job duties, how long I’ve been at the past jobs, memorable praises from my past bosses – things like that. It really helped me to focus on the most important highlights of my past jobs and what I want out of the jobs I was applying to.

At the brainstorming stage it is best not to worry about the specific content of what you’re writing. The biggest obstacle in writing the perfect cover letter is to start writing. So by writing down my tasks at the past jobs I was over the first major hurdle in writing my nurse resume cover letter.

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