Reproducing Your Cover letter

时间:2020-11-17 15:16:37 cover-letter 我要投稿

Reproducing Your Cover letter

Before you prepare the final version of your cover letter have several people review it to proofread and suggest possible improvements. People may have differing viewpoints on your cover letter. Incorporate only those suggestions that are comfortable for you. Your cover letter should be reflective of who you are. We encourage you to make an appointment and have your cover letter critiqued at the Career Center.

Prepare a final version of your cover letter on a computer with a laser-quality printer. Be sure your cover letter is free of typographical and spelling errors. Do not rely on your computer spell check function to catch all errors; read it thoroughly and carefully.

Print your cover letter on the same high-quality paper you used for your resume. Acceptable colors are white, off-white, ivory, or light grey.


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