Cover Letter Tips - Use a Cover Lett

时间:2020-12-17 11:58:28 cover-letter 我要投稿

Cover Letter Tips - Use a Cover Letter Template

A cover letter template can be a good way to get started writing cover letters to send with resumes when you apply for jobs. Use a cover letter template as a starting point for creating your own personalized cover letter.

Free Cover Letter Templates

Free cover letter templates are avaiable both online (you can download a template to your computer) and from Microsoft Word online.

Once you have a template ready to use on your computer, add your information to the cover letter template, then tweak and edit it to personalize your cover letter, so it highlights your qualifications for the job.


Customize Your Cover Letter

It is important to customize your cover letter, so it presents your candidacy for employment effectively. Don't be afraid to try switching the format i.e. bulleted accomplishments vs. a paragraph, because the template is just a starting point for creating your own cover letter. Write a new customized cover letter for each job you apply for.

Save the original version of your cover letter, before you start making changes, so you can go back and start over, if you need to. Also, that way you'll be able to edit your original cover letter when applying for new jobs.

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